New Legislation on Workplace Dust: Key Points for Kazakhstan


Kazakhstan has recently introduced new legislation aimed at improving workplace conditions and ensuring the health of workers. This legislation sets new standards for the management and control of dust in workplaces, representing a significant step in protecting workers from respiratory diseases and other dust-related health issues.

Key Provisions of the Legislation

  1. Establishment of Exposure Limits:
    • The legislation introduces maximum permissible exposure limits for various types of dust, including organic and inorganic dust.
    • Employers are required to regularly measure dust levels in the workplace and ensure they do not exceed the established limits.
  2. Monitoring and Reporting:
    • Regular monitoring of dust levels in the workplace is mandatory.
    • Employers must maintain records of dust measurements and report these to the relevant regulatory authorities.
  3. Dust Reduction Measures:
    • The legislation mandates the implementation of measures to reduce dust levels, such as installing ventilation systems, using filters, and adopting other technological solutions.
    • Employers must provide workers with personal protective equipment (PPE), including respirators and protective masks.
  4. Training and Information:
    • Mandatory training for employees and management on health and safety issues related to dust exposure.
    • Employers must provide information about potential risks and measures to minimize them.
  5. Employer Responsibility:
    • Employers are held accountable for non-compliance with the new regulations.
    • The legislation includes provisions for fines and other penalties for breaches of the dust control standards.

Implementation and Enforcement

The new legislation will be implemented in phases, with initial focus on high-risk industries such as mining, construction, and manufacturing. Regulatory bodies will conduct inspections and audits to ensure compliance.

Employers are encouraged to proactively adopt the new standards and integrate dust control measures into their workplace safety protocols. This not only helps in avoiding penalties but also contributes to a healthier and safer working environment, enhancing overall productivity and employee well-being.


The introduction of this new legislation marks a significant advancement in occupational health and safety in Kazakhstan. By setting stringent controls on workplace dust, the government aims to protect workers and create a safer, healthier work environment. Employers must stay informed and compliant with these regulations to ensure the well-being of their workforce and to contribute to the broader goal of sustainable industrial practices.

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